Just Add Magic- New Protectors Special (2019) all New Episodes in Hindi Dubbed Download

Middle school girls Kelly, Darbie and Hannah find an old World Book encyclopedia in Kelly’s attic. Inside, they find the articles have been covered up by recipes with strange names like “shut `em up shortcake” and “hazelnut healing Tart”. This is the excuse Kelly has been looking for: secret cooking club with her two best friends Darbie and Hannah. The key is keeping the club secret from the mean girl, Charlotte.[3]

Kelly’s little brother eats some of the shortcake and is unable to speak. Darbie eats some of the shortcake and can’t stop talking right before basketball try-outs.Kelly and Darbie think there’s something magical about these recipes, but Hannah remains skeptical.

Series Information:

Series Name: Just Add Magic- New Protectors

Release: TV Series (2015– )

Quality: 480p & 720p HD

Running Time: 27mi

Language: Hindi Dubbed

Type: Comedy, Family, Fantasy

Encoded By: Coolsanime

Just Add Magic- New Protectors Special (2019) Hindi Episodes Download

Episode – New Protectors Special
720p – Gdrive_Links

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